
Reporting to Parents

Our school believes in developing Educationally Powerful Partnerships that are based on trusting relationships between the teacher, the child, and the child's whaanau and family. The school's 'OPEN DOOR' policy allows for frequent and informal communication between all parties. The school has the following structured reporting opportunities for communication. 

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Hauturu School expects all parents/caregivers to attend the conference meeting each year. Conferences provide an opportunity for a conversation between the student, parents and teacher that is focused on learning. Initially, this conversation is likely to be more parent-teacher-led until students develop more of a personal voice in the conference process. 

Written Reports

For all students, an Achievement & progress report will be sent home at the end of Term 2 and a comprehensive written report will go home at the end of Term 4. Both of these reports are completed by teachers and will reflect the progress and achievement of each student. They both contain a balance of what has been achieved, progress made, and the next learning steps.

Learning Needs & Gifted Education Programmes

Our key focus is to provide the best education to all children and to seek support for children that requires extra help or who need extending.

Further Educational Support

The school has close links to the following organisations:

Gifted and Talented Education

Students with identified talents within the concepts of Whanaungatanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Matauranga, Te Mahi Rehia, Tikanga, Wairuatanga are identified and nurtured in collaboration with whaanau. Further information is available here